What do I prefer about Madrid
The Metro. An easily accessible city and avoidable traffic; The Tapas tradition; Great wine for cheap; Nightclubs staying both open and crowded until either 7am or 10 am; Not having to sidestep vomit on the streets on a saturday night(despite extreme public intoxication); Non existence of drunken street brawls; The openess of the people; The architecture - both the contemporary and the old; The Climate.
My Madrid Dislikes
"The customer is always wrong"; "The customer must start to pull his hair out before I serve him"; Television - the worst I ever have and possibly ever will come across; Spanish Beuracracy; Ear in my sandwich
What do I miss about Eire
Irish conversation; Being a native and not "the foreigner";Irish skies; Police who understand the concept of a democracy; The sea breeze (or the comfort in knowing that there is one nearby); Chinese takeaway; Croke park; Guinness.
The Metro. An easily accessible city and avoidable traffic; The Tapas tradition; Great wine for cheap; Nightclubs staying both open and crowded until either 7am or 10 am; Not having to sidestep vomit on the streets on a saturday night(despite extreme public intoxication); Non existence of drunken street brawls; The openess of the people; The architecture - both the contemporary and the old; The Climate.
My Madrid Dislikes
"The customer is always wrong"; "The customer must start to pull his hair out before I serve him"; Television - the worst I ever have and possibly ever will come across; Spanish Beuracracy; Ear in my sandwich
What do I miss about Eire
Irish conversation; Being a native and not "the foreigner";Irish skies; Police who understand the concept of a democracy; The sea breeze (or the comfort in knowing that there is one nearby); Chinese takeaway; Croke park; Guinness.